Industry News

  • Allergic cough in children is a common respiratory disease, mainly caused by children's allergies to certain substances.


  • The legs of diabetic patients are prone to itching, which is because the long-term blood sugar value of diabetic patients is too high, which leads to the skin's moisture ability and moisture reduction, and even the destruction of protective barriers.


  • For people with hyperuricemia, moderate aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of gout attacks, but vigorous exercise may reduce uric acid excretion, which increases the incidence of gout.


  • Most diseases are closely related to emotions.Studies have shown that chronic emotional stress can promote the growth and spread of breast cancer.


  • Cold compress can play a physical role in cooling, reducing swelling, etc.


  • PINMED Wrist BPMs are designed to provide accurate readings of blood pressure, which is critical for managing hypertension and other related health conditions.


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